At Beaucerons du Chateau Rocher, the Beauceron is a passion, not a business nor a livelihood.
In our breeding program, we strive to maintain the true Beauceron temperament and working ability: a stable, trainable dog that is a pleasure to live with; a family companion and guardian without being a liability. When I refer to working ability, I am not narrowing it down to just protection ability, as there are many other tasks that the Beauceron performs well. They have natural herding ability and are still used extensively in France for gathering and moving large herds of cattle, sheep or goats. They do well in obedience and agility. They are patient therapy and service dogs. They have excellent noses and make superior search and rescue and disaster dogs. Their calmness and train-ability makes them good candidates for police work. And for those with the ability to train with patience and praise, they can be fun sport dogs for Schutzhund or ring-sport. They excel at the most important job of all... being a loyal family companion.
Our breeding stock comes from top French and Belgian working and show lines which are carefully combined to produce Beaucerons that are not only beautiful to look at, but have the ability to perform the tasks they were originally bred for. So many breeds end up split into "show dogs" that are nice to look at but have lost their working ability, and "working dogs" that have working ability but bear little resemblance to their breed Standards. At Beaucerons du Chateau Rocher we are determined not to let that happen!
Our puppies are handled daily from birth and are exposed to a variety of experiences and sounds as they grow. They are socialized with people and animals. They are individually identified so the progress and personality of each pup can be monitored. The utmost of care is taken to match the puppy with its new family.
Adult Dogs
Sometimes we have adults dogs looking for homes.
There can be a lot of benefits to adding an adult dog over a puppy.
If you are interested in learning more about the adult dogs available for placement, please reach out to us for more information.
Featured Chateau Rocher Dogs